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Includes Custom Stand as Pictured

Price: $1,650

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“Le Rêveur”   (The Dreamer)
Overall Length: 14 3/4"

BLADE 8 1/4"

Double sleeked cold-pressed spécial supplémentaire mirror finish extra thick 44C Dessus de la Ligne "Personnellement" High-Cast Steel,  hand formed in classic IXL Royal English bowie style, with special "Emperor" grade top edge Ameer file-work.


Annulated strength-balanced aggrandized over-extended Chevalier style polished "Esprit Style", extra thick high-grade brass guard fused to Naturally Harvested Alaskan Barren Ground Caribou horn (stand and handle matched to same Caribou horn), custom formed extra "profondément" black Micarta spacer, specially selected fossilized walrus ivory, scrimshawed from my "Le Rêveur" design by legendary scrimshaw artist Jack Wine of Glendale, California, fused to second custom formed extra "profondément" black Micarta spacer, then to the same matched Barren Ground Caribou horn set into an "atto della natura" end piece.


Matched full point Barren Ground Caribou horn left in natural shape and hand balanced to fit and cradle the knife and then equilibrized to specially refinished treasured Alaskan oak from Le Rêveur's own "home". 

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