gotta say it outright and without worry of how this sounds. But
there is NOTHING on earth like eating great food (or even a plate
of chicken and waffles), with the Von Vivant collection. I can say
that without worrying that my head will explode since even I was
totally amazed at the experience the first time I tried out my
years, when I'd go out to eat either at a restaurant or at
someone's house, I'd always find myself grumbling under my breath
since the meat was always wonderful, but the knives were like
something they put in a "Happy Meal".
I enjoy
food… I'm a meat eater and proud of it… but I always felt my
carnivorous eating experience was somehow short-changed by not
having the proper "tools". I thought of pulling out one
of my own knives to cut away, but thought it was some how rude or
trailer park low-class to whip out one of my blades and start
slicing away.
So one
day I decided that if I created a knife and fork set that was so
unique, unusual in design, and perfectly balanced and functional,
and I put it in a beautiful jeweled custom case… I could pull
out the case, take out the "works of art", and eat with
class. People would be so taken aback by this VERY unique approach
to eating, that they could only see me as eccentric, rather than
someone who reads the Globe and believes every word.
Thus the Bon Vivant collection was born. Designing the actual
knife and fork took a lot of time. I wanted them to look striking,
yet be completely functional. But more than that, I wanted them to
work so well, and be so balanced… the knife cutting so perfectly
and with such ease, and the fork feeling so good against your lips
and tongue, that when people saw me using them, I could offer them
a set of their own, and after they too experienced them, would
understand why I carried my own personal cutlery!
main purpose at first was so that I could have a great time eating
my favorite foods. But then it became an obsession to prefect the
feel, the deigns, and the balance. I realized that each knife and
fork would have to be specially balanced to fit whatever materials
I decided to use for the handles. It took a great deal of time…
but WOW was it worth it.
So now… I've made a few more sets for sale. I'll make some
additional sets from time to time, as I do with my Buffalo Bonsai
set, as the mood hits me, and when I find the right materials to
compliment the steel. There is a very limited amount that I can
make for very special corporate gifts (see the Corporate
gift section), but for now… here's what I've made and put up
for sale. These take more time to form and balance than anything
else I make… but believe me it's worth it. Not only for the
enjoyment your meal will suddenly take on… but for the looks of
amazement you will get when you pull out your own carrying case
and start to dine to your heart's content!!
